[©2025 Terri Branson • All Rights Reserved]
Always use proper placement and punctuation for dialog tags in sentences that contain active dialog. Never start a sentence with a dialog tag, as that instead creates a quote.
Dialog is present tense with characters speaking to each other, while the rest of the paragraph remains in simple past tense. Therefore, dialog is a living thing (the present), while dialog tags are tools (the past).
The HORSE (dialog) pulls the CART (tag).
CORRECT DIALOG: “What are you doing?” he asked the girl. “Don’t you know it’s unwise to throw rocks into a dragon’s cave?”
INCORRECT DIALOG: He asked the girl, “What are you doing? Don’t you know it’s unwise to throw rocks into a dragon’s cave?”
QUOTE: He had asked the girl: “What are you doing? Don’t you know it’s unwise to throw rocks into a dragon’s cave?”